08 Dec 2023

Future Trends in Colocation Services in 2024

The colocation industry, a pivotal aspect of modern IT infrastructure, is on the cusp of transformative changes as we enter 2024. Driven by technological advancements and evolving business needs, this sector is poised to witness revolutionary trends redefining how data is stored, managed, and secured.

Energy Efficiency: The Green Revolution

A significant trend shaping the future of colocation services is the emphasis on energy efficiency. Innovations in cooling technologies, such as liquid immersion and phase-change cooling, are gaining traction. These methods not only reduce energy consumption but also lower operational costs. Additionally, integrating renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, is becoming more prevalent, reflecting the industry’s commitment to sustainability.

Security Enhancements: Fortifying Digital Fortresses

As cyber threats escalate, colocation providers are elevating their security measures. Integrating sophisticated surveillance systems, biometric access controls, and advanced firewalls is becoming standard. Moreover, AI-powered security systems are being deployed for real-time threat detection and response, ensuring unparalleled data protection for clients.

AI and Machine Learning: The Intelligent Backbone

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing colocation data centers by enabling predictive maintenance. These technologies analyze operational data to predict and prevent system failures, reducing downtime. They also optimize resource management, using pattern analysis to allocate resources like power and cooling more efficiently, boosting operational efficiency and cutting costs.

Machine learning models continuously monitor and adjust data center environments, regulating temperature, humidity, and airflow to maintain optimal conditions. This ensures high-performance computing and prevents equipment failure.

Integrating AI in colocation services enhances resilience, efficiency, and responsiveness. It offers improved reliability, reduced operational costs, and tailors services based on customer usage insights, leading to higher customer satisfaction and new service opportunities.

IoT and Edge Computing: Catering to the Data Deluge

The proliferation of IoT devices has accelerated the demand for edge computing solutions. Colocation centers adapt to this shift by offering low-latency, high-bandwidth services essential for processing vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices. This trend signifies a move towards more decentralized yet interconnected data processing architectures.

To illustrate, consider the following real-world applications:

  • Smart City Infrastructure: Managing data from traffic systems, public safety cameras, and utility services in real time.
  • Healthcare Monitoring: Supporting remote patient monitoring devices that require immediate data processing.
  • Retail and Inventory Management: Streamlining data from in-store IoT devices for inventory tracking and customer behavior analysis.
  • Industrial IoT: Facilitating real-time data analysis for manufacturing equipment and supply chain logistics.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Processing data from sensors and navigation systems near the source for quicker decision-making.

These examples demonstrate colocation centers’ vital role in supporting the diverse and real-time data needs of various IoT applications, highlighting their importance in the evolving landscape of edge computing.


5G Connectivity: The High-Speed Enabler

The rollout of 5G networks marks a pivotal shift in colocation services, introducing ultra-fast, low-latency capabilities that enable a wide array of new applications and services. This technological leap is not just about speed; it revolutionizes data transmission, crucial for real-time processing in technologies like autonomous vehicles and advanced robotics.

To accommodate these advancements, colocation centers must undergo significant infrastructure upgrades. Enhancements in networking hardware, increased server capacities, and the ability to manage higher data traffic are essential to meet the demands of 5G.

This transition is transformative, positioning colocation providers at the forefront of enabling innovations across various sectors. Adopting 5G can offer clients the ability to exploit its full potential, catalyzing advancements in numerous industries.

Hybrid Cloud Solutions: Flexibility and Scalability

Hybrid cloud solutions, emerging from integrating colocation with cloud services, are redefining business data management strategies. These solutions blend the security and control inherent in colocation with the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing. They cater to organizations needing customizable solutions without compromising data security or operational agility.

This trend is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience fluctuating demand, allowing them to scale resources up or down as needed without the substantial investment typically required for physical infrastructure expansion. Moreover, hybrid clouds offer enhanced disaster recovery capabilities, enabling data to be replicated across multiple locations, ensuring greater resilience.

Adopting hybrid cloud solutions represents a strategic move for companies aiming to stay agile in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. By offering a balance between control and flexibility, these solutions are becoming an essential component of modern IT strategies, especially for businesses looking to optimize costs while maintaining high levels of performance and security.


As we move towards 2024, the colocation industry braces for transformative changes. Integrating energy efficiency, enhanced security, AI, IoT and edge computing, 5G readiness, and hybrid cloud solutions reshapes the data management and storage landscape. Adapting to these trends is essential for businesses looking to leverage these advancements. 

Explore our cutting-edge colocation services in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Pasadena, Denver, and Washington D.C. to see how we’re leading the charge in these innovations. Visit our facilities and discover tailored solutions that cater to your evolving business needs. Stay ahead with us and make your business future-ready. For more details on our colocation services and locations, please visit LinkSecured Colocation.

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29 Sep 2023

Hosting Industry Shake-Up: DediPath’s Sudden Shutdown and What To Do Next

In the web hosting business, reliability and trust are paramount. Customers entrust providers with their websites and data, expecting security and accessibility. However, recent events have shown the hosting landscape’s unpredictability, exemplified by DediPath, a hosting and colocation provider that abruptly ceased operations, giving customers less than 24 hours’ notice.

The Unforeseen Announcement

On September 1, 2023, DediPath’s unexpected announcement sent shockwaves through the hosting community. In a message that caught many off-guard, the company declared, “DediPath will cease operations effective 8/31/23. Migrate your data and take backups as soon as possible.” This abrupt notice left customers scrambling to secure their data and find alternative hosting solutions.

A Puzzling Vanishing Act

Adding to the confusion was DediPath’s sudden disappearance from the online sphere. Despite the email notification, there were no official announcements on their website or social media channels. Customers who had been following DediPath’s social media updates just the day before were left bewildered by the silence.

The situation was further complicated by the absence of DediPath CEO Mark Jiannino’s LinkedIn profile, deepening the mystery. DediPath appeared to have vanished, leaving customers to question the email’s authenticity and their hosting services’ fate.

Confirmation from the Community

As uncertainty loomed, the hosting community began verifying the news. Moderators on hosting forums like LowEndSpirit confirmed the closure with the company directly. Additionally, other members of the hosting community shared their experiences, further substantiating the unfortunate reality of DediPath’s sudden shutdown.

These shared experiences included accounts from hosting firms, like HostEons, which had colocated servers with DediPath. HostEons acknowledged the situation, stating, “We had colocated our VPS Nodes, web hosting, and dedicated servers in Los Angeles with DediPath, but today DediPath announced their business closure.” They also outlined their migration efforts to ensure service continuity in the face of this unforeseen development.

A Look Back at DediPath

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Hockessin, Delaware, DediPath had been offering infrastructure as a service (IaaS), colocation, and hosting services from ten facilities across the US. These facilities included data centers from reputable providers such as Flexential, Sabey, Path, and Evocative. Customers had relied on DediPath for their hosting needs, trusting in the company’s services.

A Glimpse into Troubled Waters

In the days leading up to the closure, signs of trouble within DediPath had emerged. An email sent earlier on the same day as the closure announcement hinted at the challenges the company faced. It mentioned efforts to seek solutions aligning with customers’ needs and noted a new deal with Limestone Networks to migrate customers at a discount.

Support from Colocation Providers

Amid the chaos, colocation providers such as LinkSecured stepped in to assist DediPath’s stranded customers. Flexential, for instance, expressed its awareness of the situation and willingness to work with DediPath’s customers individually. This support provided hope for those seeking continuity in their hosting services.

DediPath advised its customers to contact respective colocation providers for equipment removal. Additionally, they recommended transferring domains registered through DediPath promptly to avoid disruptions.

Successful Migration to a Colocation Data Center

A Community in Transition

As customers faced the uncertain future of their hosting services, many turned to social media and forums for advice and support. The hosting community, known for its resilience, rallied together to share information and assist those affected by DediPath’s sudden closure.

LinkSecured: A New Home for Dedipath Customers

In these challenging times, for those affected by this unfortunate event, the quest for new hosting and colocation services begins. LinkSecured recognizes the difficulties and uncertainties faced by former DediPath customers. We are here to serve you, providing reliable hosting solutions and a trusted partner for your web hosting needs.

The abrupt shutdown of DediPath serves as a stark reminder of the hosting industry’s need for reliability and transparency. Customers should remain prepared for unforeseen developments and have contingency plans in place.

Contact LinkSecured Today

In this ever-evolving world of web hosting, adaptability and vigilance are key. The DediPath incident underscores the importance of providers and customers prioritizing communication, contingency planning, and, above all, trustworthiness in this dynamic industry.

At LinkSecured, we extend a warm welcome to former DediPath customers in need of a new hosting provider. We have hosting and colocation facilities in the same citites as DediPath such as Los Angeles, Denver, Las Vegas, Washington DC, Dallas, Pasadena, and more. We are committed to providing you with the dependable hosting solutions and support you deserve in these challenging times.

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17 Aug 2023

Unlocking the Potential of Gaming with Colocation: LinkSecured’s Strategic Advantage

Gaming has emerged as one of the most dynamic and profitable industries in a world driven by technology and connectivity. With millions of gamers worldwide, the demand for seamless gameplay experiences is higher than ever. Game developers and publishers continually seek ways to enhance their infrastructure and reduce latency to meet this demand, which is where colocation comes into play, revolutionizing the gaming landscape. LinkSecured, a prominent player in the colocation data center industry, is taking the lead in unlocking the true potential of gaming through its strategically located data centers across the United States.

The Gaming Revolution

Gaming has transformed from a niche hobby into a global phenomenon, influencing culture, economy, and education. However, the success of modern games relies heavily on uninterrupted and high-quality connectivity. As games become more intricate and demanding regarding graphics and responsiveness, traditional hosting solutions often fail to meet these requirements, which is where colocation steps in, presenting a viable solution that bridges the gap between gamers’ expectations and infrastructure capabilities.

Colocation: A Game-Changer

Colocation, the practice of housing servers and networking equipment in a third-party data center, offers many benefits that are particularly valuable to the gaming industry. One of the most significant advantages is reduced latency. Placing gaming servers near players minimizes data transmission time, resulting in smoother gameplay and a better user experience. LinkSecured’s strategic positioning of its colocation data centers in crucial gaming hubs such as Los Angeles, Dallas, Denver, Las Vegas, Washington DC, and Pasadena, CA, ensures that gamers across the country can enjoy low-latency gaming experiences like never before.

LinkSecured’s Geographic Advantage

LinkSecured’s data center locations have been carefully chosen to maximize their impact on gaming performance. Los Angeles, for example, serves as a gateway to the thriving gaming community on the West Coast, while our Dallas colocation center sits in the central hub for players across the South. Denver and Las Vegas cater to the Rocky Mountain and Southwest regions, respectively, while Washington, DC, and Pasadena, CA, connect with the East Coast and West Coast communities. This strategic geographic distribution guarantees minimal latency for players regardless of location, providing a level playing field for gamers to compete on.

Seamless Connectivity: The Key to Success

Gaming is no longer a solitary experience but a social one, with multiplayer games and online interactions dominating the scene. A laggy or inconsistent connection can make or break a gaming experience, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction among players. Colocation addresses this challenge head-on by offering high-speed, dedicated internet connections that ensure stable and reliable gameplay. LinkSecured’s data centers boast redundant network paths, DDoS protection, and 24/7 monitoring, creating an environment where gamers can focus on their skills without worrying about connectivity issues.

Empowering Game Developers

While gamers reap enhanced connectivity benefits, colocation empowers game developers and publishers. The robust infrastructure provided by LinkSecured’s data centers allows for efficient content delivery, seamless updates, and agile scaling. With colocation, developers can focus on creating immersive and innovative gaming experiences, knowing that their backend infrastructure is secure and optimized.

Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

LinkSecured doesn’t only prioritize performance; it’s also committed to sustainability. The gaming industry’s energy consumption has raised concerns in recent years, but colocation data centers are making strides toward reducing their carbon footprint. LinkSecured employs energy-efficient technologies, such as advanced cooling systems and renewable energy sources, to minimize environmental impact while delivering top-tier gaming experiences.

Get in The Game with LinkSecured

Colocation emerges as a game-changer in the ever-evolving gaming world, where milliseconds can mean the difference between victory and defeat. LinkSecured’s strategically positioned data centers bring low-latency connectivity to gamers nationwide, unlocking the true potential of gaming experiences. By combining seamless connectivity, environmental responsibility, and developer empowerment, LinkSecured paves the way for a future where gamers can truly immerse themselves in their virtual worlds without limitations. As technology advances and gaming reaches new heights, LinkSecured stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to unparalleled gaming experiences.

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18 Jul 2023

Understanding Colocation Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Costs and Expectations

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to colocation pricing! As experienced data center technicians, we understand that navigating the intricacies of colocation costs can be overwhelming. Fear not, for we are here to demystify the pricing structure and suggest what to expect when exploring colocation solutions. So, let’s dive in and unravel the world of colocation pricing!

Defining Colocation and Its Benefits

Colocation is like having your fortress for housing your servers, networking equipment, and critical hardware. Unlike other hosting options, colocation offers businesses a professionally managed facility that offers enhanced security, reliable infrastructure, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It’s a win-win situation for businesses seeking stability and control over their IT infrastructure.

Factors Influencing Colocation Pricing

1. Space Allocation:

Regarding colocation pricing, the amount of space you require plays a significant role. Rack space is the currency measured in rack units (U). Understanding the concept of U and its impact on costs is crucial. Whether you need full cabinets, half cabinets, or shared racks, each option has its pricing structure. The more space you occupy, the higher the costs. You also should take into consideration the city where you plan to colocate. For example Los Angeles pricing might be more expensive than Colorado colocation pricing models due to the rent and power rates. 

2. Power and Bandwidth:

Power and bandwidth are the lifeblood of your equipment. Power density and available power options are crucial considerations. Your power consumption and redundancy requirements directly affect pricing. Additionally, bandwidth allocation plays a vital role. Shared bandwidth is more economical but can result in limited resources, while dedicated bandwidth offers better performance at a higher cost.

3. Connectivity:

In the interconnected world of data centers, connectivity is king. The availability of multiple network providers and carrier neutrality is paramount. Cross-connect fees and interconnection options may impact pricing. Additional costs might be involved for those seeking direct cloud connections or private network options.

4. Security and Compliance:

Data center security is a top priority. Colocation facilities offer physical security measures, including access control systems, surveillance cameras, and 24/7 monitoring. Compliance requirements, such as HIPAA or PCI DSS, can influence pricing due to additional audits, certifications, and specialized infrastructure needed to meet the standards.

5. Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

SLAs define the level of service you can expect from the colocation provider. Uptime guarantees, response times, and the scope of services are crucial factors. Managed services, if required, come at an additional cost but can greatly simplify operations and ensure optimal performance.

Additional Cost Considerations

1. Initial Setup Costs:

Beyond the recurring costs, there may be initial setup fees. These can include installation charges, cabling, and remote hands services. Furthermore, additional costs can be incurred by optional extras like server hardware procurement or custom infrastructure requirements.

2. Contract Terms and Length:

The length and terms of your contract have implications for pricing. Longer commitments, such as multi-year contracts, might offer discounted rates or additional benefits. Assessing your business needs and future growth plans is important to determine the most suitable contract length.

3. Scalability and Growth:

Scalability is a key consideration for any growing business. Colocation providers offer options for expansion, such as adding additional racks or upgrading power and bandwidth. Understand the pricing structure for scaling up to avoid unexpected costs down the line.

Understanding Pricing Models

Colocation providers employ various pricing models. Common approaches include per rack unit, per kilowatt-hour, or Mbps. Fixed pricing offers predictability, while variable pricing allows for flexibility. Keep an eye out for volume-based discounts or wholesale pricing for larger deployments.

Comparing Providers and Obtaining Quotes

When selecting a colocation provider, evaluating multiple factors beyond pricing alone is crucial. Consider facility quality, reputation, customer support, and financial stability. Obtain accurate quotes by providing specific information about your requirements and engaging in detailed discussions to comprehensively understand the costs involved.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

To help put things into perspective, let’s explore real-world examples. Companies of various sizes have benefited from colocation, and their experiences can shed light on how pricing aligns with their business requirements. Case studies will showcase specific pricing structures and how they impact overall costs.

Understanding colocation pricing is essential for making informed decisions about hosting your infrastructure. By deciphering the factors influencing pricing, considering additional cost considerations, grasping different pricing models, and comparing providers, you can confidently navigate the world of colocation. Armed with this comprehensive guide, you are well-equipped to embark on your colocation journey and find the ideal solution for your business needs.

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29 Jun 2023

Choosing a Data Center or Colocation in Dallas: Empowering Your Business’s Digital Infrastructure

In today’s digital age, reliable and secure data infrastructure is crucial for businesses of all sizes. When considering data storage and management options, choosing a data center or colocation facility in Dallas, Texas, can offer significant advantages. Let’s explore why Dallas is ideal for your business’s data needs.

1. Strategic Geographic Location: Dallas’s central location within the United States makes it a prime choice for data centers and colocation facilities. Its proximity to major cities and network connectivity hubs ensures low-latency access to customers and markets nationwide. Whether your business serves local clients or operates globally, Dallas’s strategic location provides a competitive edge.

2. Robust Connectivity: The vibrant city boasts a robust and reliable telecommunications infrastructure. The city is a major network hub, hosting many fiber-optic networks and network service providers. This extensive connectivity ensures high-speed and low-latency connections, enabling your business to deliver seamless digital experiences to users.

3. Disaster Resilience: The Greater Dallas geographical location offers natural disaster resilience. Unlike coastal areas prone to hurricanes or earthquake-prone regions, Dallas is relatively safe from natural disasters. This stability reduces the risk of downtime and data loss, providing peace of mind for businesses that rely on uninterrupted data access.

4. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dallas/Forth Worth has cutting-edge data centers and colocation facilities with advanced infrastructure and security measures. These facilities offer redundant power, cooling, fire suppression, and robust physical security. Choosing a data center or colocation facility in Dallas ensures your business’s data is housed in a secure and optimized environment.

5. Scalability and Flexibility: The Big D provides a wide range of data center and colocation options, allowing businesses to find a solution that aligns with their needs. Whether you require a small-scale solution or an enterprise-grade facility, Dallas offers a variety of providers offering scalable options. This flexibility allows your business to grow and adapt its data infrastructure as needed without significant capital investments.

6. Supportive Business Environment: The cities business-friendly environment extends to the data center and colocation providers. The city’s supportive policies and incentives attract and encourage investment in data infrastructure. Additionally, the presence of tech communities and industry events fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, providing opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals and stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in data management.

Dallas is a compelling option when choosing a data center or colocation facility. Its strategic location, robust connectivity, disaster resilience, state-of-the-art facilities, scalability, and supportive business environment make it an ideal destination for businesses seeking a reliable and secure data infrastructure.

By selecting a data center or colocation facility in Dallas/Fort Worth you can empower your business with the necessary digital infrastructure to drive growth, innovation, and operational efficiency in the digital landscape.

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29 Jun 2023

Owning a Business in Dallas, Texas: A Thriving Entrepreneurial Landscape

Are you considering starting your own business in Dallas? Look no further than the Big D, a city with a thriving entrepreneurial landscape and endless growth opportunities. From a supportive business community to a robust economy, Dallas offers the ideal environment for budding entrepreneurs to realize their dreams.

One of the key advantages of owning a business in Dallas is its business-friendly environment. The city government has implemented policies and initiatives to attract and support entrepreneurs. With a streamlined process for starting a business, low taxes, and access to various resources, Dallas provides a solid foundation for success.

Furthermore, Dallas boasts a diverse and talented workforce. The city is home to several prestigious universities and colleges, producing a pool of skilled graduates ready to contribute to innovative startups. Additionally, Dallas has a strong network of professional organizations and industry-specific associations, allowing entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals and tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Dallas’s central location and transportation infrastructure are also advantageous for business owners. With a major international airport and an extensive highway system, the city provides easy access to domestic and global markets. This strategic positioning enhances business opportunities and facilitates efficient logistics and distribution.

In recent years, Dallas has witnessed significant growth in various industries, including technology, healthcare, and finance. The city’s diverse economy ensures that businesses of all types and sizes can thrive. Whether you’re launching a tech startup, opening a restaurant, or providing professional services, Dallas offers a receptive market and a customer base eager to embrace new ventures.

Owning a business in Dallas is more than just a financial opportunity; it’s a chance to be part of a dynamic and supportive community. The city hosts numerous networking events, workshops, and mentorship programs that foster collaboration and innovation. By immersing yourself in this vibrant ecosystem, you’ll find the support and inspiration needed to propel your business forward.

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29 Jun 2023

Discovering the Cultural Treasures of Dallas, Texas

Dallas, Texas, is a city that embraces diversity and celebrates its cultural treasures. With a vibrant arts scene and various cultural institutions, there is something for everyone to explore and enjoy. Let’s dive into the cultural gems that make Dallas a true hub of creativity.

The Dallas Museum of Art is a must-visit for art enthusiasts. With a vast collection spanning thousands of years, the museum offers a journey through different artistic periods and cultures. From ancient Egyptian artifacts to contemporary masterpieces, you’ll find works that inspire and captivate.

For those interested in performing arts, the AT&T Performing Arts Center is a hub of creativity and entertainment. Home to the Dallas Opera, Dallas Theater Center, and Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the center hosts various yearly performances. Whether you’re an opera, theater, or symphony fan, you’ll find world-class productions to delight your senses.

Deep Ellum, a historic neighborhood in Dallas, is a haven for music lovers. Known for its vibrant live music scene, this area showcases a mix of genres, from blues and jazz to rock and country. Step into one of the many music venues or bars, and let the rhythm guide you through a night of unforgettable performances.

Dallas also takes pride in its multicultural communities. Visit the Dallas Farmers Market, where you can immerse yourself in a world of flavors and cultures. Sample fresh produce, taste international cuisines, and shop for unique handmade crafts worldwide. It’s a melting pot of diversity and a testament to the city’s inclusive spirit.

To experience Dallas’s rich traditions and heritage, attend one of the many cultural festivals held throughout the year. From the Chinese New Year Festival to the Dallas International Film Festival, these events bring the city together,

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29 Jun 2023

Exploring the Rich History of Dallas, Texas

Dallas, Texas, a city known for its vibrant culture and booming economy, also holds a captivating history that has shaped its identity. Founded in 1841, Dallas grew from a small trading post to one of the United States’ largest cities. Stepping into the past, you’ll find remnants of its history scattered throughout the city.

One iconic landmark that reflects Dallas’s history is Dealey Plaza, the site of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Today, it serves as a memorial and museum, offering visitors a chance to learn about this significant event in American history. Explore the Sixth Floor Museum in the former Texas School Book Depository and delve into the events surrounding that fateful day.

Head to the Dallas Heritage Village for a glimpse into Dallas’s early days. This living history museum showcases restored 19th-century homes and buildings, providing visitors with an immersive experience of the city’s pioneer era. Stroll through the village, interact with costumed interpreters, and gain insight into the challenges and triumphs of Dallas’s early settlers.

As you wander through the city, you’ll also encounter the beautiful architecture that has stood the test of time. The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History and Culture is a prime example. Housed in a striking red sandstone building, it tells the story of Dallas from its humble beginnings to its present-day achievements.

Exploring Dallas’s history is wider than museums and buildings. The city’s food scene is deeply rooted in its past, with culinary traditions that reflect its diverse heritage. From Tex-Mex to barbecue, you can savor the flavors that generations of Dallas residents have enjoyed.

Dallas may be a thriving metropolis, but its rich history offers a captivating glimpse into the past. From iconic landmarks to living history museums, there are endless opportunities to discover the story of this remarkable city.

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20 Jun 2023

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Understanding Los Angeles Colocation Pricing with LinkSecured

In the increasingly complex digital landscape, businesses are continually seeking ways to optimize their IT infrastructure. Colocation has emerged as a cost-effective and efficient solution, particularly for businesses based in vibrant tech hubs like Los Angeles. At LinkSecured, we understand the critical role a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis plays in making these strategic IT decisions.

Basics of Colocation Pricing

Colocation involves housing your private servers and other hardware in a third-party data center. A typical colocation pricing structure considers various factors, including rack space rental, power usage, cooling costs, security, network connectivity, and maintenance.

Cost Analysis: Breakdown of Los Angeles Colocation Costs

The costs associated with colocation in Los Angeles can be broken down as follows:

  1. Space rental: This depends on the amount of rack space your equipment needs.
  2. Power usage: The cost of electricity used by your equipment.
  3. Cooling: Data centers have advanced cooling systems to prevent equipment overheating.
  4. Security: This includes physical security measures and cybersecurity protection.
  5. Network connectivity: Prices can vary based on bandwidth requirements.
  6. Maintenance: Includes technical support, equipment repair or replacement costs.

In comparison with other major cities, Los Angeles offers competitive rates, primarily due to the city’s extensive tech infrastructure and the high concentration of data centers.

Benefit Analysis: Advantages of Colocation in Los Angeles

Partnering with LinkSecured for colocation in Los Angeles brings a multitude of benefits:

  1. Reduced overheads: Eliminate the need for a private data center, saving on costs and space.
  2. Scalability: Adjust your IT infrastructure as per business requirements.
  3. Improved security: Benefit from advanced security measures both physically and digitally.
  4. Reliable connectivity: Due to a high concentration of internet backbones in Los Angeles, businesses enjoy fast and reliable network connectivity.
  5. Local business incentives: Los Angeles offers various incentives for tech companies that can offset your costs.

Return on Investment: Evaluating the Long-Term Value

Investing in colocation can bring substantial long-term value. While initial setup costs can be high, the long-term savings in terms of reduced overheads, energy savings, and scalability make it a profitable investment. By entrusting your IT infrastructure needs to a specialist like LinkSecured, you also free up valuable time and resources to focus on core business functions, increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

Case Studies

At LinkSecured, we’ve worked with businesses of varying sizes and across different sectors to facilitate their colocation needs. For example, a mid-sized tech company in Los Angeles, after moving their servers to our data center, reported savings of over 30% on their IT expenditure over the course of a year, while also experiencing improved network uptime and performance.

Wrapping it all up

Los Angeles offers businesses a cost-effective, scalable, and reliable solution for their IT infrastructure needs. The decision to invest in colocation should be supported by a thorough cost-benefit analysis, considering both immediate costs and long-term value. As a leading provider of colocation services in Los Angeles, LinkSecured is committed to helping businesses make informed decisions and supporting them throughout their colocation journey. For more information, reach out to our team at LinkSecured today.

At LinkSecured, we understand that every business is unique. That’s why we offer bespoke colocation solutions tailored to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements and explore how our colocation services can help optimize your IT infrastructure.

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25 May 2023

Case Study: Successful Migration to a Colocation Data Center in Los Angeles

In today’s digital age, businesses constantly seek ways to optimize their IT infrastructure for improved performance, scalability, and security. One effective solution that has gained significant traction is migrating from an on-premises data center to a colocation data center. This case study explores a real-world example of a successful migration to a colocation data center, shedding light on this transition’s challenges, strategies, and positive outcomes.

Introduction to the Company and Initial Infrastructure Setup:

Our case study revolves around Deasil FBA, a rapidly growing e-commerce enterprise in the bustling city of Los Angeles. As an online retailer, Deasil FBA experienced significant growth in its customer base and product offerings. To support this expansion, the company relied on its on-premises data center, which had served them well in the initial stages of their journey.

However, as Deasil FBA continued to scale its operations, it encountered several limitations with its existing infrastructure. Scalability became a pressing concern as customer demand surged, requiring more computing power and storage capacity. The on-premises data center struggled to meet the ever-increasing requirements, leading to occasional performance bottlenecks and service disruptions.

Facing Challenges

Another challenge Deasil FBA faced was ensuring high availability for their customers. As an e-commerce business, downtime or service interruptions could result in lost sales and customer dissatisfaction. Their on-premises data center, although robust, lacked the redundancy and failover mechanisms necessary to guarantee uninterrupted access to their online platform.

Furthermore, the operational costs associated with maintaining and upgrading the on-premises infrastructure became increasingly burdensome for Deasil FBA. They had to allocate significant resources towards regular maintenance, system upgrades, and IT staff to manage the data center. These expenses impeded the company’s ability to allocate capital to other areas critical for business growth and innovation.

Scalable Cost-effective Solution

Realizing the need for a more scalable, available, and cost-effective solution, Deasil FBA began exploring alternative options. The management team recognized that transitioning to a colocation data center could address their pressing challenges and provide the foundation for continued growth.
As a technology hub with excellent connectivity options, Los Angeles offered an ideal location for Deasil FBA to consider colocation data centers. The proximity to their primary customer base and reliable network infrastructure made it an advantageous choice.

Deasil FBA aimed to reduce latency, improve network performance, and deliver a seamless user experience for their customers by selecting a colocation data center in the same geographic area. Deasil FBA assessed various colocation data center providers in the Los Angeles area through a comprehensive evaluation process. They considered critical factors such as scalability options, network connectivity, security measures, and the provider’s reputation and expertise serving e-commerce businesses.

Ultimately, Deasil FBA identified a reputable colocation data center provider that met their specific requirements. The provider, LinkSecured offered a highly scalable infrastructure, allowing Deasil FBA to expand its computing resources as needed. The data center’s redundant power supply and network connectivity ensured high availability, minimizing the risk of downtime and maximizing customer satisfaction. Additionally, the company had implemented robust physical and cybersecurity measures, aligning with Deasil FBA’s commitment to protecting customer data.

With the colocation data center selected, Deasil FBA embarked on an extensive planning and preparation phase. They collaborated closely with the LinkSecured to develop a migration roadmap, outlining the necessary steps, timeline, and dependencies for a successful transition. The on-premises infrastructure underwent thorough assessment, and a detailed inventory of hardware and software components was documented to ensure a smooth migration process.

Prepping for Migration Execution

As the migration execution began, Deasil FBA faced some anticipated challenges. The physical relocation of servers, networking equipment, and storage systems required meticulous planning and coordination to minimize disruptions to their online operations. The migration team employed careful data backup and recovery strategies to safeguard against potential data loss. Although some temporary downtime occurred during the transition, Deasil FBA had prepared contingency plans and executed them swiftly to mitigate any negative impact on their customers.

After the migration was completed, Deasil FBA conducted extensive testing and validation to ensure the stability and functionality of their new infrastructure. Rigorous testing covered network connectivity, data integrity, failover mechanisms, and disaster recovery procedures. Here is the step-by-step of how we got there.

Identification of Migration Drivers and Objectives

Recognizing the need for a more robust and flexible infrastructure, Deasil FBA embarked on a journey to evaluate colocation data centers. Their primary drivers for migration included the desire to enhance performance, ensure high availability, improve security measures, and optimize cost efficiency.

Selection and Evaluation Process

Thorough research and evaluation were crucial in selecting the right colocation data center provider for Deasil FBA. Factors such as location, scalability options, security protocols, and connectivity capabilities played pivotal roles in the decision-making process. After careful consideration, Deasil FBA finalized its choice and began planning the migration with LinkSecured located in Los Angeles and other cities across the US.

Planning and Preparation

With the colocation data center provider selected, Deasil FBA and the LinkSecured collaborated on creating a comprehensive migration roadmap and timeline. This phase involved meticulous planning to ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, the existing infrastructure underwent preparations, including inventory assessments, documentation, and network reconfiguration.

Migration Execution

The migration involved physically relocating servers, networking equipment, and storage systems from the on-premises data center to the colocation facility. Despite diligent planning, some challenges arose, such as network compatibility issues and unforeseen downtime. However, the migration team effectively addressed these obstacles with contingency plans, minimizing disruptions to business operations.

Testing and Validation

Following the migration, rigorous testing and validation procedures were undertaken to verify the stability and functionality of the new environment. Thorough testing encompassed network connectivity, data integrity, failover mechanisms, and disaster recovery protocols. Any identified issues were promptly addressed to ensure a seamless transition.

Benefits and Results

The migration to a colocation data center brought numerous benefits to Deasil FBA. The new environment offered enhanced scalability, enabling the company to accommodate its growing customer base. Improved performance and network connectivity boosted website loading speeds and overall user experience. Additionally, the colocation facility’s robust security measures provided peace of mind, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of Deasil FBA’s sensitive data. Importantly, the migration resulted in substantial cost savings, eliminating the need for ongoing infrastructure maintenance and upgrades.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Throughout the migration process, Deasil FBA gained valuable insights. Key lessons learned included the importance of comprehensive planning, meticulous testing, and effective collaboration between the company and LinkSecured. Best practices, such as conducting thorough due diligence, prioritizing network compatibility, and establishing clear communication channels, were critical for a successful migration.

The case study of Deasil FBA’s migration to a colocation data center in Los Angeles exemplifies the significant benefits that can be achieved through a well-executed transition. By overcoming challenges, embracing scalability, and leveraging the expertise of a reliable colocation data center provider, Deasil FBA realized improved performance, enhanced security, and cost-efficiency. This success story inspires and provides valuable lessons for businesses considering a similar migration journey.

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